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System Requirements

Yeti and it's libraries are supported on the following 64-bit platforms aligning with the VFX reference platform associated with each Maya release.

Operating Systems

WindowsMicrosoft® Windows® 11, 10
LinuxLinux® Red Hat® Enterprise 8.5, 7.6-7.9 WS
Linux CentOS® 8.5, 7.6-7.9
Rocky Linux 8.5
macOS (discontinued as of 4.2.11)Apple® macOS® 12.x, 11.x, 10.15.x, 10.14.x

Maya & VFX Reference Platform Requirements

Each release of Maya conforms to a specific VFX Reference Platform year, this dictates what OS version/framework, compiler and library versions should be use to ensure compatibility.

We highlight any entries where we differ from the VFX reference platform.

Maya ReleaseVFX Reference PlatformPlatform and Compiler Specifics
2025CY2024Linux: GCC 11.2.1
Windows: Visual Studio 2022
2024CY2023Linux: GCC 11.2.1
Windows: Visual Studio 2022
2023CY2022Linux: GCC 9.3.1
macOS: 10.14
Windows: Visual Studio 2019
2022CY2021Linux: GCC 9.3.1
macOS: 10.14
Windows: Visual Studio 2019
2020CY2019Linux: GCC 6.3.1
macOS: 10.14
Windows: Visual Studio 2017
2019CY2018Linux: GCC 6.3.1
macOS: 10.11
Windows: Visual Studio 2017

Linux, GCC & Devtoolsets

Some versions of Linux ship with older versions of GCC and thus you will need to ensure you're using at least 6.3.1 or 9.3.1 respectively as earlier versions may result in missing symbols or undetermined behaviour.

These can be installed using the required/suggested Devtoolset releases.

GCC 6.3.1 can be installed using Devtoolset6.

GCC 9.3.1 can be installed using Devtoolset9.

GCC 11.2.1 can be installed using Devtoolset11.