Released: 16/07/19
Dependencies: MtoA, Arnold, VRay 4.12, Renderman 22.5, 3Delight 12.0.113, Redshift 2.6.43, Clarisse 4.0 SP2b
- updated to Redshift 2.6.43.
- ensured friendly names are being set in Redshift extension to support Cryptomatte output.
- new Strands created with Add Curve to Groom will now fit themselves to the Groom's input surface correctly.
Released: 12/06/19
Dependencies: MtoA, Arnold, VRay 4.12, Renderman 22.5, 3Delight 12.0.113, Redshift 2.6.27, Clarisse 4.0 SP2b
- refactored Feather and Braid attribute handling to avoid Maya 2019 API bug.
- fixed brush flickering when Grooming.
Released: 03/06/19
Dependencies: MtoA, Arnold, VRay 4.12, Renderman 22.5, 3Delight 12.0.113, Redshift 2.6.27, Clarisse 4.0 SP2b
- updated to Clarisse 4.0 SP2b (as it's VFX reference platform CY2018 it ships with our Maya 2019 build).
- updated to PRMan 22.5 and Renderman For Maya 22.5.
Released: 31/05/19
Dependencies: MtoA, Arnold, VRay 4.12, Renderman 22.3, 3Delight 12.0.113, Redshift 2.6.27, Clarisse 3.6 SP4
- updatd to VRay Next Update 1 (4.12).
- fixed Face Varying OSD boundary rules to ensure they're linearly interpolated.
- fixed a crash when pgYetiGraph command was used with no graph editor open.
- fixed a stability issue caused by parallel texture requests.
Released: 24/04/19
Dependencies: MtoA, Arnold, VRay 4.04, Renderman 22.3, 3Delight 12.0.113, Redshift 2.6.27, Clarisse 3.6 SP4
- updated Attribute node to accept and create attributes on Mesh objects.
- updated/fixed instance (ginstance) support for Arnold 5.x.
Released: 12/04/19
Dependencies: MtoA, Arnold, VRay 4.04, Renderman 22.3, 3Delight 12.0.113, Redshift 2.6.27, Clarisse 3.6 SP4
- the Displacement node now correctly updates the output acceleration structures when Meshes have been modified.
- the Displacement node will recompute mesh normals when displaced, with a parameter to toggle this behaviour on and off.
- Decreasing strand lengths while painting will now maintain the correct strand segment lengths where increasing the length will create new segments using the Grooms segment length attribute value.
- fixed a crash caused by Convert to Maya Objects being used when a non Yeti node is selected.
- fixed an issue introduced into Sculpting with mirror on.
Released: 05/04/19
Dependencies: MtoA, Arnold, VRay 4.04, Renderman 22.3, 3Delight 12.0.113, Redshift 2.6.27, Clarisse 3.6 SP4
- Displacement node can now be applied to Mesh objects.
- ensured Graph evaluation occurs when node connections change.
- fixed a bug in the Instance node which could affect the id order of input instance objects.
Released: 26/03/19
Dependencies: MtoA, Arnold, VRay 4.04, Renderman 22.3, 3Delight 12.0.113, Redshift 2.6.27, Clarisse 3.6 SP4
- added missing pgYetiGroomUpdatePaintValue command.
- refactored Groom strand drawing to improve update responsiveness, optimize buffer allocation and avoid an intermittent crash.
- fixed Save Current Strand Shape which was broken in recent releases.
Released: 18/03/19
Dependencies: MtoA, Arnold, VRay 4.04, Renderman 22.3, 3Delight 12.0.113, Redshift 2.6.27, Clarisse 3.6 SP4
- made sure strand visibility was correctly handled with new hover strands implementation.
- resolved a Feather parameter interpolation issue which would cause inf/nan values in output geometry.
Released: 12/03/19
Dependencies: MtoA, Arnold, VRay 4.04, Renderman 22.3, 3Delight 12.0.113, Redshift 2.6.27, Clarisse 3.6 SP4
- updated VRay plugin to export feather_uvw correctly.
- made sure input guide sets weren't causing Yeti to draw an interactive license when caches were being used with Override Inputs on.
- ensured cache preview is ignored when Obey Inputs is on.
- fixed Groom display feedback to correctly draw strands being hovered over.
Released: 15/02/19
Dependencies: MtoA, Arnold, VRay 4.04, Renderman 22.3, 3Delight 12.0.113, Redshift 2.6.27, Clarisse 3.6 SP4
- attribute paint value control is now a float slider vs. color picker.
- fixed a bug which caused non evaluated nodes to crash Maya when displayed as a heat map in the graph editor.
- initial build for Maya 2019, only support for Arnold/MtoA as the other rendering engines don't have Maya 2019 builds yet.
Released: 23/01/19
Dependencies: MtoA, Arnold, VRay 4.04, Renderman 22.3, 3Delight 12.0.113, Redshift 2.6.27, Clarisse 3.6 SP4
- fixed a bug introduced into the Attribute node that would cause Yeti to crash.
Released: 18/01/19
Dependencies: MtoA, Arnold, VRay 4.04, Renderman 22.3, 3Delight 12.0.113, Redshift 2.6.27, Clarisse 3.6 SP4
- corrected By Length sampling in Guide node to improve shape matching.
- Attribute node can now sample Vector attributes from Groom/Guides.
- fixed a regression issue that caused bald areas in 3.1.4.
Released: 14/01/19
Dependencies: MtoA, Arnold, VRay 4.04, Renderman 22.3, 3Delight 12.0.113, Redshift 2.6.27, Clarisse 3.6 SP4
- ensured generated Braids have correct motion data, when missing a few nodes would crash on evaluation.
- fixed Braid fibre id generation, this fixes a bug where some nodes only affecting the percentage of fibres wouldn't correctly evaluate.
- fixed a bug that was causing Yeti to crash when Scattering points onto instanced Mesh objects.
- fixed a bug in cubic interpolation of strand systems that could cause noise when evaluating the end of a curve.
- fixed attribute reformatting for Arnold that was causing incorrectly sampled user attributes.
- Yeti will now only use a render license when “Overriding Cache With Inputs” is used on a cache in an interactive Maya session.
- added userFloat and userVector attributes to Guide curves as an added utility to pass per guide custom values into the graph.
Released: 18/12/18
Dependencies: MtoA, Arnold, VRay 4.04, Renderman 22.3, 3Delight 12.0.113, Redshift 2.6.27, Clarisse 3.6 SP4
- updated to Renderman 22.3.
- fixed an issue where flood fill wasn't working with some of the Brush tools.
- fixed a bug which caused Arnold to crash when rendering deformed instances.
Released: 23/11/18
Dependencies: MtoA, Arnold, VRay 4.04, Renderman 22.2, 3Delight 12.0.113, Redshift 2.6.27, Clarisse 3.6 SP4
- refactored how attribute reformatting was handled post graph evaluation as the previous implementation was introducing issues with instanced fibres.
Released: 17/11/18
Dependencies: MtoA, Arnold, VRay 4.04, Renderman 22.2, 3Delight 12.0.113, Redshift 2.6.27, Clarisse 3.6 SP4
- resolved an interpolation issue when exporting additional Arnold user attributes.
- updated reference node to postpone geometry transformation until full graph evaluation has completed.
Released: 16/11/18
Dependencies: MtoA, Arnold, VRay 4.04, Renderman 22.2, 3Delight 12.0.113, Redshift 2.6.27, Clarisse 3.6 SP4
- updated to VRay Next (4.x).
- updated to Renderman 22.2.
- updated to Redshift 2.6.27.
- Redshift support for user attributes. Float and Vector as Constant, Uniform and Vertex will be exported - be aware that Redshift currently only supports a single value per strand, even for Vertex attributes.
- added a brush falloff UI control in the Groom Tool window for more precise control over falloff along the length of a strand.
- Scatter will now generate du and dv vectors when generating points from a mesh to help with vector displacement. These are NOT inherited by default by the Grow node but can do so if added to the Inherit Attributes parameter.
- added a check for Redshift API version parity and will warn the users if it doesn't match.
- each new Scatter node is now created with a unique random seed.
- added customMotionStartAndEnd parameter to Arnold DSO to specify exact motion_start and motion_end parameters for generated geometry. This expects an array of two floats (or more, but only the first two values will be used).
- Int parameters can be toggled to expression inputs.
- Scatter Seed parameter can now take an expression to create varying distributions on a per frame basis.
- Node Inspector parameter widgets will now default to expression input fields when expressions are being used.
- added a Min Clipping Level to Attribute Paint viewport display and renamed Clipping Level to Max Clipping Level.
- fixed Graph Editor High DPI rendering issues.
- removed redundant PTC command line tools.
- brush sizes will be maintained between Comb and Sculpt style tools.
- licensing tools updated to RLM v12.4.
- fixed an issue with nan's being introduced into custom attributes for Arnold.
- fixed a bug where Yeti was trying to evaluating parameters that have been removed since previous releases.