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As of Yeti 5.0 XGen Interactive Grooms may be imported and used within a graph.

XGen interactive grooms are imported like any other object by using the Add Object(s) button in the pgYetiMaya attribute editor.

Add XGen as an input

Once the XGen object has been added to the graph, you can Import this into the graph using the Import node and specifying XGen Interactive Groom as the object type.

Using the XGen object in the graph

The Yeti output should now match the input XGen groom.

Graph output matches the XGen groom

This could now be modified like any other fibres within the graph, or be converted to control new fibre generation. For instance, you could use it to control the length of new fibres.

Convert the XGen object to strands

Or even to comb the output fibres.

Using the XGen object to comb fibres