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The Instance node is a way of creating controlled duplicates of geometry, whether mesh or fibres, connected to Input 1 at every point or element in Input 0.


0Data FlowFibres, Particles and Meshes
1Data FlowFibres, Particles and Meshes


Instance ToElements tells the node to instance on a per element ( fibre ) basis where as Points will instance to all the incoming points.
AlignmentEither a variable or static expression used to align the instance.
Alignment VariationMeans of introducing random variation into the resulting alignment.
OffsetPer instance offset, a possible value may be “$N * 0.1” to shift all of the instances 0.1 units away from the surface.
ScalePer instance scale, this could be an expression, eg. “noise($id * 10)”
Scale VariationUsed to randomize the resulting scale.
TwistTwists the new instance around the resulting axis.
Twist VariationVaries each instances twist value.
Up VectorAn up vector in determining the instances orientation.
Axis Of AlignmentDefines what axis in the input object will be aligned to the Alignment vector.


Source ObjectsIn the case where Input1 has multiple input objects you may limit it to just the first, or all of them.
Object ExpressionIf Input1 contains multiple objects this is an expression used to determine which object to use for the current instance. For multiple objects a cycle expression can be used to cycle through the multiple inputs, eg. “cycle($id, 0, 5 )”
Inherit AttributesDefines a list of attributes, each separated by a space, that will be inherited from the geometry the instances are assigned too.
DeformControls if instances will deform to the shape of the fibres being instanced too, this requires input fibres, and the mode set to Elements.
Generate AsAs Input will reuse as much data to create a completely new geometric representation of the object ( original method ), As Instance will try and use the rendering engines instancing implementation.


Point SelectionAllows the user to write a boolean based selection to define which points are instanced too in an element.
Element Point IndexUsed to define which point in an element is used for an instance.

Local Variables

instanceNumThe instance index.
InstanceCountThe number of instances.
vertexNumThe vertex index for the current instance in the element.
vertexCountNumber of vertices in an element.