Color | Toggle whether to set/override the color attribute |
Diffuse Color | The desired diffuse colour. |
Adjust HSV | Toggle whether to set/override the HSV value. |
HSV Adjustment | The desired HSV offset. |
Color Shift | Toggle whether to set/override Color Shift. |
Max Hue Shift | The maximum amount the hue may shift if Color Shift is on. |
Max Saturation Shift | The maximum amount the saturation may shift if Color Shift is on. |
Max Value Shift | The maximum amount the value may shift if Color Shift is on. |
Occlusion | Toggle whether to set/override occlusion. |
Occlusion Color | The desired occlusion color. |
Opacity | Toggle whether to set/override opacity. |
Base/Tip Opacity | Desired base/tip opacity. |
Specular | Toggle whether to set/override specular. |
Ks | The desired Ks value. |
Specular Color | The desired specular color. |